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The Fox and the Stork

Once upon time there was a little fox who was called Willy. He was the fastest and most dangerous fox in the west California. One Day he was walking to find a lake, he was really thirsty. When he arrived to it he saw a stork, a white and lovely stork. Its name was Florinda. She thought that Willy would her if she run, but not. Willy was there just to drink some water. When Florinda realized that Willy was there for it, she felt very good. Willy was a known dangerous fox. But it was as lovely and friendly as Florinda. They talked and made good friends. They went for a walk, knowing more about each other. They spent all the day together, they were really good friends. 

 Before they went to willy's house they started to play a very funny game. It was very difficult but was entertaining too. One of them had to hide and the other had to find him. After playing a long time they decide to do something else . A game where they had to touch the other and when it touch him, he had to touch his partner; and this was repeated through all the game. After playing for 4 hours, they started to talk again for a long time and they decide that they could be very good friend-brothers. After that they decided to go to Willy's house.

 When they start walking (or flying in the case of the stork) the fox showted: Not so fast! And the stork asked “Where do you live? Do you live in a zoo?” No, I live in a little and pretty cave that you will see when we arrived. The stork anxious, asked: have you got any brother or sister? the fox answer “No, I only have a mother that go to the sahara to be part of a zoo. The fox said :" look that is the cave run, run, run, that we're almost there.” Hurry up william I think I left the oven open!!

 So, when they arrived the fox realised he was wrong. So, Willy turned on the hot fire and started cooking the soup in a saucepan. The stork sat on one side of a rock that the fox used as a big table. When the meal was ready, the fox served it in bowls and started to eat. Although the stork tried many times to drink the soup, her peak didn't allow her so finally she throw the soup away and stood up of her seat. The fox who was slowly enjoying his food jumped frightened and bumped his head with the cave´s hard roof made of stone.

 The next morning as a way of revenge, the stork invited the fox to drink something to her house and so they can spend time for a while. The stork only have bottles to drink, so the fox couldn't drink there.She served some water waiting for the fox to drink and a very hot piece of meat. The fox bite the food and practically his mouth turned on i fire, again after many tries the fox couldn't drink his drink of the long, thin and uncomfortable bottle. It was definitely a special model for this types of birds. “Ok, ok, I understand” So the stork, understanding everything, served the water in a big bowl.

 Moral: Don´t do to others what you don't like them to do to you.


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