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Abstract Video

Have you ever watched such an abstract music video as "Elastic Heart"? The singer of this song is Sia, an american song writer and gifted singer. It is very peculiar and also makes you have your own interpretation of the story. Aditionally, its scenery is very simple, `cause there are three elements;  a girl and a man inside a cage. From my point of view, this two persons are a daughter with his father. She is a rebel adolscent that causes problems to his father. Obviously, this essay will talk about my interpretation, it isn`t the real story or idea.

At the beggining, we can observe they are separated, probably because they have fought. They are inside the cage representing home. He (the father) tries to solve the problem but she attack him, she (the daughter) doesn`t want to. No matter what, he continues trying to figure out what is happening to her but she keep fighting him. That is why he start to ignoring her, this we can percieve it when he hang in the cage. The girl start to feel lonely and he comes back. The first part of the video finished there.

The second part of the video it seems to be an amicable relationship and she makes him to believe everything is fine but she bites him. She is always fooling him. There a struggle starts and she lives the cage or home since she couldn`t tolerate this situation. He doens`t want to live home and gets exasperated.

The third part, I personally believe that is the most especial and touching. She is coming home as she is fed up with the situation, they start to play and doing silly faces. Days after, the have a friendly relationship but he gets ill and she tryies to take him out from home to save him, but she can`t and ends with the father`s death.

According to the title, I think the hole title it is related to the father because although she is a rebel and cause problems to him, he continues taking care of her. Maybe, the message could be to look after your relatives even if they cause problems to you, at the end eveything will be right. When I saw this video, I discover that  Sia`s videos are very reflective, for example "The Greatest"


  1. Nice work, Manuel. You´ve picked a couple of moments so as to sustain your interpretation all along the music video.
    It´s a bit contradictory that in your conclusion you mention that "in the end everything is going to be allright", since in your interpretation of the music video, the father dies at the very end.
    Be careful not to spoil your own interpretation!
    This is a very good start.
    7 (seven)


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