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Review: "The Purge"

On winte holidays I decided to watch "The Purge", a fantasti movie that is about a parallel World, that in the United States the solution to abolish insecurity in the streets is found but in a very particular war. A day is set, and that day form seven in the afternoon to seven in the ,orning, crimes are not penalised.

For starters you should know that this movie is not for everyone, if you are very sensitive you should not see it. The scenes may be very bloody. However, this is why the movie is so prestigious, the visual effects that are used in this magnificen movie are exceptional. They make you believe the movie as if  it was real. In addition, the sound track may be a little bit scary but for sure is the suitable one in order to achieve what the director wanted that is causing fear and intrigue in the spectator. Nevertheless, the highlight for me was the performance of the actors that although they are not very well known, they are the perfect actors for the characters of the movie. They are so extraordinary that they make yoy empathize with them.
Resultado de imagen para the purgeEventhought, there are parts of the movie that may be boring, you sholud probably give it a miss. Let yourself get involved in the movie because you will definitely love it, and the best part; there are four movies that talk about the same situation, but diferrent cases and characters.


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